3 Things To Know About Mold Texture Damage

10 July 2020
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


Molds are used in a variety of manufacturing processes to help streamline production. Many of the molds in use today have a textured surface that contributes to the finish and quality of the end product.

Texture damage to a mold can spell disaster for a manufacturing run. It's important that you are familiar with the ins and outs of texture if you want to preserve the integrity of your molds over time.

1. Molds Have Two Levels of Texture

You can't understand mold texture without defining the two levels of texture that exist on every mold. The first level is the main texture pattern. This is the texture that you can see and feel with the naked eye. 

The second level is referred to as micro-texture. This is applied over the top of the main texture and usually undergoes sandblasting as the final step of mold development. Texture damage can occur at one or both the levels of texture that exist on a mold.

2. Texture Damage Is Common

You shouldn't panic if you spot texture damage on your molds. This type of damage is quite common within the manufacturing world. A mold's texture can be damaged by worn tools used in the production process, direct impact, or exposure to the elements.

Regardless of the source of the damage, texture problems must be addressed quickly to prevent quality issues with the products you are generating. A texture-damaged mold causes a gloss differential and could alter the specifications of your end products.

3. Texture Damage Can Be Repaired

Any mold that shows signs of texture damage can typically be repaired. The repair process requires that a fresh texture be applied across the surface of the mold. In order to achieve this, the existing texture must be sandblasted completely smooth. The mold becomes slightly weaker each time the sandblasting process occurs.

Only experienced technicians should be entrusted with repairing texture damage to a mold. As long as the sandblasting process is performed carefully, a mold can withstand several repairs.

Improper sandblasting could render your mold useless, requiring that you spend money to create a new mold before production can begin once again.

If molds are critical to your production process, you must be vigilant in monitoring your molds for texture damage. Knowing how texture is applied, what causes texture damage, and how this damage can be reversed will allow you to better care for your molds in the future. Contact a mold texture repair technician to learn more.